Federated Computer

This is not a paid promotion and I am not employed by or affiliated with Federated.Computer. I am nothing more than a very satisfied customer and believe in their mission to get people and their data out of big tech’s iron fists by replacing all business software with open source software.

What is Federated Computer?

They are a IT company based in Colorado Springs, CO, USA that provides open source business software through automated IT services.

Since I like to talk mostly about things I have experience with I will talk about their “Good” price tier since that is what I currently have. It’s the basic tier level but what you get is worth more than most other “basic” packages out there in this space. This is what you get on the “Good” (basic) package:

  • Your own email server
  • Nextcloud
  • WordPress website
  • Vaultwarden
  • VPN
  • 60GB of storage
  • unlimited users
  • Custom domain support – 1 domain
  • Real human support
  • 100% Privacy
  • Backups & Upgrades
  • Firewall
  • No hidden costs
  • No limit on feature or data – Your traffic is not throttled
  • Real transparency

    Thats an insane steal!

    For $15 a month ($180/yr) that is a steal. It’s an even bigger steal if you pay by the year at $70 ($5.84/month)! You can try to go to some other hosting company and get that much stuff AND the privacy, transparency and human support. But it wont be anywhere near this price. If you try to do it buffet style and get one thing here and another thing there and yet another part over there. You end up screwing yourself by most likely losing your logins and passwords for all the different hosting things you need. Add those all up and you realize you are spending 4 -5 times the amount of what you can get a Federated Computer.

    For the self hosting nerds

    Dont get me started on the “I can self host all that for free at home” bull shit. I’ve tried it for the last decade. Is it possible? Yes. Is it easy and hassle free? Hell no! From maintaining hardware AND software to fighting with your home isp over traffic. It is just not feasable for the majority of the population to self host their own stuff at home. Add in the fact that the vast majority of the population are not techy people and have no clue what they are getting themselves into with self hosting. For the average person, family or small business they can use the “Good” package, be big tech free, including their own really private email server, cloud services, password manager and a VPN. Hell, you even get your own website. All for less than $6 per month. It’s seriously a no brainer decsision to make. Honestly I think people are stupid if they pass up this hosting company. They all have a passion for open source and liberty. They offer a whole lot more than just what I’m using them for head on over to Federated Computer and look around at all they offer. If you want to ask someone a really quick question they do have space on Matrix. Just keep in mind that their team is spread around the globe in all different time zones, so you may not get an immeadiate reply. Also dont be surprised if the Founder and CEO of the company answers your question, like I was. Federated Computer is a great team of people creating and maintaining a great product and service.

    In my opinion, the world needed them a long, long time ago.