Author: unkle.bonehead

  • Embracing the Power of a Centralized Writing App: Intial Impressions of novelWriter


    Photo by Suzy Hazelwood As a digital advocate, I’ve always been passionate about empowering individuals to retain their digital rights in a world that often prioritizes centralization. In the realm of writing, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring various tools and apps to help me stay organized and focused. While I’ve dabbled in writing podcast…

  • Echoes of Freedom:Chapter 1 The Great Escape


    AI Generated Image. Maya walked home from school on a crisp autumn afternoon, her backpack slung over her shoulder and her favorite hoodie pulled up against the chill. She was a 17-year-old Jewish girl living in Berlin, Germany, the city she loved for its rich history, vibrant arts scene, and eclectic mix of cultures. Her…

  • The first chapter of Echoes of Freedom drops tomorrow!

    Photo by Suzy Hazelwood So as it turns out writing a fiction book is a royal pain in the ass. But, man is it fun! You think you’ve got it just like you want it but then you lay down and try to go to sleep. Just as you are almost to sleep BOOM a…

  • So, I started writing a fiction book


    Photo by cottonbro studio I started writing a fiction book. Why? Because it sounded like a fun thing to do and it’s something I can do in my free time as the creative moments hit me. Which isn’t as often as they used to be anymore. I have the story mostly fleshed out and it’s…

  • Echoes of Freedom:Prologue


    In the heart of the city, where skyscrapers pierced the sky and social media dominated every aspect of life, 17-year-old Maya lived a life of virtual anonymity. She was a brilliant hacker and coding whiz, known only by her online alias, “Echo.” Maya’s real name was Sarah, and she had always felt like an outsider…